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HG Translation Services

Freelance Business translator English/French/German into Dutch

Cater to Dutch-speaking (potential) customers and employees with all the necessary information about your company, products and services in their mother tongue. 

It feels familiar and there is no language barrier that can cause stress. 

Those who feel good about themselves perform well!

Language services

Business translations English/French/German into Dutch

Is your company keen to maximise access to its products and services and ensure customer confidence through clear communication? Look no further! At HG Translation Services we can guarantee that your information will be well presented and understandable for all your stakeholders – from technical manuals to internal procedures and social media content. We offer highly professional translations into Dutch from English, French and German. Make sure your message is clear. Please contact us for a non-binding quote.

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About us:

Heidi Geuns

Founder of HG Translation Services
Freelance Business Translator English/French/German - Dutch

Direct email:

Related certificates, degrees:
- bachelor's degree office management & business translation and interpretation Dutch, English, French and German (2002-2005)
- Certificate evening course Italian (2002-2008)
- Certificate evening course Spanish (2008-2013)